Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 11

Took the train to Chateau Fountainbleu.  Three changes on the Metro and then Gare de Lyon.
Was interesting to see more of France beyond Paris.  Was almost entirely inhabited.  Huge trainyards, commercial areas, lots of car dealerships, etc., many very small houses but very charming.  Interesting peeks into backyards and gardens. 
When we got to the town of Fountainbleu, it wasn't  exactly clear where the bus stop was located, then after about 5 minutes or so a bus finally stopped only long enough to drop off 1 passenger and sped off.  So we decided a 1 1/2 k walk sounded doable.  Liked walking through a lovely town with individual dwellings as well as small apartment areas.  The signs directed us to the far corner of the "forest" surrounding the chateau.  This was were Louis XV hunted stags, deer, bucks and boar in his day.  Had individual packs of dogs for each type of game, different uniforms coordinating with each pack and two rooms in the chateau decorated with paintings and memorabilia of his hunts. So we then hiked or rather wandered (Hansel and Gretel's trail of crumbs crossed my mind at one point) at least another 1/2 K through the forest and then down the length of the Grand Canal until we reached the gardens surrounding the chateau.

Lovely exterior and gorgeous weather again.  The Napoleon exhibit was intriguing.  And intriguing how different sytles were incorporated into the building and decor, from the ancient, the Bourbons, Louis XV, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon and later monarchs.  

I wonder how the many different artists who created beautiful works, if they put as much of their hearts and souls into their work as we do, felt when these works were placed into this environment.  So many, so very much that very little is seen as individual but an overwhelming flourish of color and and pattern and gold.
Rode the now very crowded bus back to the train station where a gentleman inquired of me in French whether this was the train to Paris.
Ross went to Stohrer's, the oldest patisserie in Paris, which is right around the corner from where we are staying and got us sandwiches on baguettes and the absolute best desserts I've ever had!

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