Monday, April 25, 2016

day 7

Quietly gray and overcast day again.  Visited Pere Lachaise cemetary .  Cemetaries are weirdly lovely places.  I find them very restful.  This one has an intensity that is the antithesis of my favourite cemetary where my parents and Smith grandparents are buried.  That one has massive trees in the middle of Illinois cornfields outside a tiny town just across the Wabash from Indiana.  There is a stillness there, even with the winds in the trees, that I haven't  experienced elsewhere.  Pere Lechaise is very busy, not with people but to the eyes.  Tiny, for the  most part,  temples to the reverence of families.
We walked up and down hillsides on very old cobblestone lanes.  Walked past monuments to history and reverence for the recently departed.

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