Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 2

Its fascinating jumping inti another country, another language, other customs.  where to head for la toilette and which brown sign to follow that leads to the RER.
The views on the train don't match my inner vision of Paris. 

After addressing a few challenges at the apartment, like not being able to unlock the door until we had tried at least a dozen or more tries....watched a commercial being filmed in the street right in front if our building, pretty blond model in Daisy Dulkes, picture hat, midi lenghth lace sweater, white crop top, along with the requisite high heels, two pomeranians and a stuffed fox with a scarf.  Picked up baguette sandwiches, tart au citron and a custard tarte with strawberries and a mountain of whipped cream transported in a very carefuly folded sheet of paper in an almost pyramidal shape.
the door to our apartment.

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