Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 3

Gorgeous sunny day, blue, blue skies, light breeze.  Ross went out early and brought back an almond pastry and pour moi, pain au chocolat, delicious with clementine juice.  Walked to Notre Dame.  On the way went thru a covered alley of shops.  Went in a tiny fabric store with lots of delightful little floral prints, very Liberty of London in "modern" colorways.  Just across the alley was a yarn shop, will be going back.  Around the corner on the next street several
 shops selling "love" appliances, etc.  Inadvertantly chose 4 star restaurant for lunch.  Delicious, charming, very nice staff. Ross had steak tartare, frites and I had escalope saumon with sauce l' oiselle and petite vegetables along with some great belgium beer.
 After lunch walked around Ile Ste Louis some more, wandered along the Seine to Jardin les Plantes.  People on every bench, on the parapets, in the grass. A couple of sunbathers, one youngish man down to his speedos and a baseball cap.  Sat and watched people several times.  Crossing one of the bridges we looked down along the Seine and saw two probably Japanese couples having their wedding photographs taken.

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