Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Day 16

After the exhausting day yesterday, seeing as much of Versailles as we could or more to the point as my feet could stand, we both slept in late this morning. And then went our separate ways.  As well as we get on, it can be a struggle coordinating our differing tastes and ways of coping in a foreign environment.
I picked up lunch from Ekk, a vegetarian restaurant.  You pick up a tray and choose your meal from a wide variety of choices.  I had  quinua salad with peas, snow peas and a spicy not hot orange dressing, spring rolls with a dip and a long skinny scone with raisins.  I walked down to the river to eat.
Parisians love to get outdoors in all kinds of weather.  People sit wherever there is space, on the banks, in the grass in the park, on benches, in front of restaurants, everywhere.  The streets are full of people walking, cars motorcycles, fewer bicycles, strollers, adults and children on scooters, roller blades, skateboards, hoverboards. I sat and ate, people watched, sketched and wandered on.
 Decided to visit Notre Dame de Paris.  Saw the line outside and decided to go around to the garden.

As I got ready to leave and walked up front I decided I couldn't leave eithout seeing the rose windows again.

As I was walking home wandered into the park at Tour St Jacques.
When I got home Ross had invested in Foie Gras, all I can say is OMG, is that good!!! and a variety of stinky cheeses, yum and baguettes from our favorite boulangerie and two more extraordinary desserts from Strohrers.

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