Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 30

Our last day and I don't want to leave although Ross has said he's had enough.
This photo is one of the fruit and vegetable markets on Rue Montorguiel at the end of our block.  Rue Montorgueil is full of restaurants, all kinds of food markets, from fruits and vegetables, fromage, vin, boucheries, patiseries, boulangeries.  It is the haunt of in the know millenials, the young and hip. It's predominently pedestrian although the occasional car slowly and very, very carefully makes it's  way down.  Sometimes we feel as if we are running a gauntlet with all the tables along the street filled with people.
 Still hadn't purchased gifts for my grandsons so walked to Rue de Rivoli to C&A to look for tshirts.  This was an art installation that appeared overnight.
 Walked down by the Seine and across to Notre Dame.
 Picked up a couple of panninis for lunch and ate in the gardens surrounding Notre Dame.  There were flat after flat of flowers waiting to fill the beds.  The last time we were here, they were raking out the bulbs from the spring flowers, piles of them.
Walked to the garden around Tour St Jacques and sat there for awhile.  Decided to visit the garden behind Le Palais Royale but they were closed either for an event or planting.  There was a large group of suits in the entry courtyard of the palace but there was also a truck along the side loaded with very large rose bushes in clay pots that were being transported inside the garden.
Picked up a toy for Keller at the little toy souvenir, etc shop at the corner of Rue Montorgueil and Rue Louis Ballein, our street.  This shop is chock a block full of board games, little toys, children's books, journals, notebooks, pencil sets, odds and ends and outside racks of cards, pictures, funny erasers, magnets.....

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